Senin, 10 November 2008

What People Buy?

Why People Buy?

Every person who comes into a shop buy good present a different problem to the salesman. Some people know exactly what they want. The resolute buy do not expect much on the part salesman and deal with them is just give them nothing more than courteus intelegent and efficient service. Other people on the other hand, know that they need something,but not quite certain what is. These doubtful buy expect much help and guidance from the salesperson. There still people only look or shop and do not know of their neeed. This last group of buy must be take through the complete buy process if they are to be encourage to buy something.

Normally,decide to buy merchandise is like arrive at a decision in respect to any other problems.Buyers who not certain or do not know what they need must be buy to feel and then determine the exact nature of their need. Theieb attention must be atteracted and their interest must be aroused because these 2 factors will create desire.

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